4 Tested Ways For A Flawless Skin

Ayesha yusuf
3 min readJan 10, 2022


Do you dream of soft, glowing and flawless skin? Do u wish to have a skin which naturally beams and shines? You don’t need to have a deep pocket, spend endless hours at a spa, or buy expensive beauty products for beautiful skin.

If you incorporate the following 4 simple rituals in your daily life, you can have the perfect skin.

Catch Up On Beauty Sleep

Do not underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep. According to research, poor quality sleep affects skin aging. You should ensure that you get a sound sleep of 7–9 hours every night. Good sleeping patterns will relieve you of stress and anxiety leading to fewer wrinkles and improved skin texture.

Moisturize Regularly

The perfect skin requires you to keep the skin moist and to maintain the water content levels. This will be achieved by moisturizing your skin regularly with the right kind of moisturizer as per your skin type. Doing it more when the weather becomes dry and cold and easing it a little when it is hot and humid.

Once in a while, the skin should be exfoliated. This ensures the proper absorption of the moisturizer resulting in vibrant and youthful skin.

Avoid having a sweet tooth

Sweet sugary drinks and candies not only hit your waistline but also have a bad impact on your skin. It causes wrinkles and ages your skin. Stay away from chocolates and candies and instead incorporate Vitamin C, anti-oxidants, Omega-3’s and healthy fats in your daily diet.

Stay Away From The Sun

According to research, sun rays are a major cause of skin damage, especially skin cancer. The UV rays in the sun severely deteriorate the skin by causing freckles, thinning of the skin, and pigmentation. For fresh and glowing skin, you should daily apply sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB light, avoid the sun at peak hours when the UV rays are the strongest, and wear shades to minimize the effects of the sun.

Sweat It Out

Working out regularly is essential for fresh and glowing skin. As you workout, your heart rate increases, and your blood circulation improves resulting in the development of collagen that generates new skin cells and prevents your skin from becoming saggy. Therefore, you should work out 30 minutes 5 days a week. Exercise will release your body of toxins and reverse the signs of aging, making your skin look younger and healthier.


Change your old habits and rejuvenate your skin by adopting these new ways for a brighter, clearer complexion. You don’t need to apply layers and layers of makeup to look gorgeous, with these tips you can walk confidently with natural, beautiful skin.

What is your skincare regime or are you naturally blessed with a flawless glow?

